We have to take care of the following Vastu guidelines while planning and building the schools and educational institutions for better progress of the students and substantial growth of the institutions;

  • Educational Institution's compound wall and main entrance must be built in the upper Northeast Corner for good results.
  • Head of the department or principal room should be constructed in the Southwest direction and table must be facing and sitting position towards the North and East direction. This room entrance should be in the Northeast direction.
  • Next level hierarchy to the principal or assistant principal room will be in South direction and management staff’s room will be in West direction.
  • Accountants room in North, Administrative department in East, Management committee meeting room in Vayu directions are suggested.
  • The library should be constructed in the West or South direction.
  • Computer rooms are built in the Vayu Corner of the layout.
  • Abundant vacant space is preferred in the center of the building for staging speeches and miscellaneous functions.
  • The playground will be in a vacant part of the North, East, or Northeast direction.
  • The west side is marked for students’ hostel and student’s canteen is placed in Northeast direction.