At southeast corners NO pits, sumps, septic tank, storage tanks, Bore well or any installations shall be done below the ground level in pits.
Power room, Generator rooms, Main Switch boards, Boilers , Furnaces and allied equipment can be installed here in Southeast corner.
In the empty space available at the eastern side of main factory building, power rooms and generators rooms can be constructed in line with south wall but not on south side. These branch off rooms for power and generator is to be constructed in such a way that on the west of these rooms the empty space available between eastern side wall of main building and west side wall of this building should be less and the space between east wall of this branch-off buildings and east boundary wall should be more. These rooms can constructed complying to the above requirement.
On southeast corner if any empty space or unused land is available, care should be taken to ensure that No roof work is carried connecting east & south boundary walls.
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